Founded in 1947 by Ross H. Arnett, Jr., The Coleopterists Bulletin is a refereed quarterly journal, which includes a wide variety of articles on taxonomy and ecology of beetles (Coleoptera). Both members and non-members may submit manuscripts for consideration for publication.
Article Processing Charges
- Authors must pay US$10 per published page (this represents less than one-quarter of the actual cost to The Coleopterists Society, which subsidizes the remaining costs).
- Book Reviews are published gratis (please contact the Book Review Editor directly concerning submissions).
- “Fast Track” articles are paid at US$20 per published page. These are guaranteed publication in the next issue (if not already in press) following acceptance.
- Authors who are not members of The Coleopterists Society must pay a non-member surcharge of US$60 per article, in addition to the US$10 per published page charges. They are encouraged to join The Coleopterists Society (US$60 annual membership fee) instead.
- Authors who have published in The Coleopterists Bulletin prior must have fully paid prior page charges for their manuscript to be considered.
- Grayscale (black and white) images sent to the Managing Editor will appear in black and white in the PDF posted on BioOne. Color images will appear in grayscale in the printed journal (unless you inform the Managing Editor differently), but in color, at no extra cost, in the PDF. The cost of color figures in the printed journal is US$15 per page. Contact the Managing Editor if you have any questions.
Online Access to published volumes
- Via free to members [vol. 54 (2000) – present]
– Members login to access - Via JSTOR free to members [vol. 1 (1947) – vol. 71 (2017)]
– Members login to access - Via The Biodiversity Heritage Library free to anyone [vol. 1 (1947) – vol.32 (1979)]
– BHL access
Additional links
- Editorial Staff
- Monograph
- Special Publications
- Manuscript Guidelines (PDF)
- Manuscript Revision Checklist (PDF)
- The Coleopterists Bulletin Sample Copy
- Pay Page Charges Online
- Publications Order Form (Institutional Subscriptions Only) (PDF)
- Order Back Issues: most issues of Volume 4 to the current issue are available at US $48.00/volume (4 issues) or US $12.00/issue (including surface shipping).
For any purchase, order or page charges questions, please contact the Treasurer.
For inquiries about submissions, please contact the Managing Editor.